Variables are a combination of an identifier (a name) and a value
In Python, the 'type' of a variable does not have to be declared - it is effectively inferred by the value of the variable (if it needs to be).
In Python, identifiers such as variable names can be reassigned. A benefit of this is that APIscan be more stable (as there is no need to specify exactly what types of things are input and output from functions). A downside is that, it is easier to make mistakes and accidentally re-use an identifier with unintended consequences.
The four primitive variable types in Python are: Integers, Floats, Strings, and Booleans:
Integers are whole numbers and are unbounded in Python. The largest Integer is constrained by memory availability.
Floats are standard Double-precision Floating-point numbers - a special subset of fractions. These have a 'Maximum Value' and a 'Minimum Normal Value' (smallest number > 0) which can be ascertained from the sys module. There are Float values for positive and negative infinity. Consider and run the following code:
import sys
# Exploring Float max and min values.
max = sys.float_info.max
min = sys.float_info.min
print("max", max)
print("min", min)
# Are there any changes?
print("max + min", max + min)
print("max - min", max - min)
print("min + min", min + min)
# What number do we need to add to max to get inf?
max2 = max
d = 2
while max2 == max:
max2 = max2 + d
d *= 2
d = d / 2
print("d", d)
print("max + d/2", max + d/2)
print("max + d", max + d)
# Find a number bigger than min which is the same when min is
# added to it.
min2 = min * 10**16
min3 = min2 + min
if min3 > min2:
print("min3 > min2")
print("min2", min2)
This code generates the following output:
max 1.7976931348623157e+308 min 2.2250738585072014e-308 max + min 1.7976931348623157e+308 max - min 1.7976931348623157e+308 min + min 4.450147717014403e-308 d 9.9792015476736e+291 max + d/2 1.7976931348623157e+308 max + d inf min2 2.2250754194454158e-293
Float is very useful for approximate numerical calculations. Do keep in mind that Floating Point Arithmetic is approximate - so calculations that use it are not necessarily accurate.
The Python Standard Library has two modules that support more arithmetic accuracy: decimal; and, fractions.
Strings are essentially blocks of text (which are sequences of single character length Strings). Strings can be assigned using; double or single quotes, or the constructor function str (which can for example create a String from an Integer). Strings can be compared and checked for equality using the operator '=='. Consider and run the following code:
s = "A"
s2 = "a"
s3 = "B"
print(s == s) # Prints True
print(s == s2) # Prints False (case sensitive)
print(s == s3) # Prints False
print(s > s2) # Prints False
print(s < s2) # Prints True
print(str(3)) # Prints 3
Booleans are 'True' or 'False' and also equate to '0' or '1'.
Consider and run the following code:
t = True
f = False
print("t == t", t == t) # Prints True
print("f == f", f == f) # Prints True
print("t == 1", t == 1) # Prints True
print("f == 0", f == 0) # Prints True
print("t != f", t != f) # Prints True
print("not t", not t) # Prints False
print("not f", not f) # Prints True
print("t and f", t and f) # Prints False
print("t and not f", t and not f) # Prints True
print("t or f", t or f) # Prints True
print("not (t or f)", not (t or f)) # Prints False
More complex objects have state given by multiple primitives variables. Objects can also be comprised of multiple other objects as defined by a class.
The type of any object can be got using the function type from the builtins module. Consider and run the following code that initialises a variable named 'x' with the Integer value '1', then prints out the type of the variable 'x', then reassigns 'x' to have a String value, then again prints out the type of the variable 'x'.
# Set x = 1 and print the type of x")
x = 1
print(type(x)) # Prints <class 'int'>
x = "1"
print(type(x)) # Prints <class 'str'>
The output from running this code is:
<class 'int'> <class 'str'>
When passed as parameters into functions, variables are shared this is technically known as ' Call By Sharing'. If a variable is a primitive object then effectively a new variable is created within the function which is distinct from the variable outwith the function but that has the same value which is technically known as ' Call By Value'.
The scope of a variable is from where in the code it can be accessed. The keyword 'global' can modify the scope.
Consider the following:
x = 1
if x == 1:
y = 2
print(y) # Prints 2
The code in the if statement is executed as the condition 'x == 1' evaluates as 'True'. If the condition were to evaluate as 'False', then the interpreter would skip to the end of the if statement, as happens running the following code:
x = 1
if x == 0:
y = 2
Which results in:
NameError: name 'y' is not defined
This is because 'y' does not get initialised and so cannot be passed into the print function.
Consider the following code:
x = 1
def my_function():
x = 2
print("b", x)
print("a", x)
print("c", x)
That outputs:
a 1 b 2 c 1
At line 2, the interpreter reads a function definition for a function called my_function(), then skips to the end of the function and executes line 5. Then at line 6 my_function() is called. The interpreter then effectively goes back to line 2 and runs the function commands (lines 2 to 4). Then, at the end of the function, the interpreter returns to line 6 and moves directly on to line 7.
In this example, the variable inside the function called x is a different variable to the variable called x that is referred to outside of the function (even though the names are the same). Using the keyword 'global', we can make these variables the same as follows:
x = 1
def my_function():
global x
x = 2
print("b", x)
print("a", x)
print("c", x)
The output should be:
a 1 b 2 c 2
Variables can be deleted using the keyword 'del' followed by the name of the variable or a tuple of variables to delete.
Deleting variables can free up memory for other things. The following code snippets shows how to initialise and delete variables:
a = 1
del a # <-- deletes a
#print(a) # <-- Would result in: NameError: name 'a' is not defined.
b = 2
c = 3
del(b, c) # <-- Deletes b and site.