
1. Introduction

Functions are a key part of many programming languages. These are reusable code blocks that are called and which return. In calling the function typically parameters can be passed in. A function return may contain objects or values that can be assigned to variables and in returning Python Built-in Functions are available as part of the builtins module Functions from modules in the standard library are made available using import statements.

Python functions are defined in a code block that begins with a definition or 'function declaration', and is followed by a set of indented statements. The function declaration uses the keyword 'def' which is followed by the name of the function. After the function name, there are parenthesis which may be empty or may contain a tuple of 'parameters' also called 'arguments' - names for things passed into the function. The function declaration ends with a colon ':'. The following gives the general form:

def function_name(arg_0, arg_1):
    # Function statements

A function may return one thing which can be a tuple of things. This is done with a return statement which starts with the keyword 'return' followed by the name of the thing returned. By default, functions invisibly return 'None' - a special object of type 'NoneType'.

Functions are effectively blocks of code that can be used or 'called' repeatedly. Rather than repeat a block of code, it is typically better to define a function and call the function twice. The bigger the block of code turned into a function, the greater the gain is in terms of making the code easier to read, understand, maintain and use.

2. Parameters

Parameters or 'arguments' add flexibility and utility to functions. Arguments can be variables or functions. Variables that are primitive get copied. Variables that are non-primitive are shared. Passing in a function as an argument allows that function to be used within the function.

As with variable declarations, in Python there is no need to declare the type of a parameter passed to a function.

2.1. Positional Parameters

Positional parameters or positional arguments are given in order from left to right, so in the following 'add' function 'num1' is the first argument and 'num2' is the second argument:

def add(num1, num2):
    return num1 + num2
print(add(20,30)) # Prints 50

Default values can be specified as follows:

def add(num1 = 0, num2 = 0):
    return num1 + num2
print(add(3)) # Prints 3

As arguments are ordered left to right, in the example, 'num1' gets '3', and 'num2' gets nothing and so is set to the default value '0'.

In the absence of a default, an argument must be passed in. For example the following code:

def add(num1 = 0, num2):
    return num1 + num2

Results in:

SyntaxError: non-default argument follows default argument

Because of this, arguments with defaults are declared after any undefaulted arguments in the function declaration.

2.2. Keyword Arguments (kwargs)

Arguments can also be named, these are called keyword arguments or 'kwargs'. Note that this use of the term keyword has nothing to do with the keywords that are special names for things that can't be used as identifiers.

Consider the following which uses kwargs in the function call to assign the parameter values:

def add(num1, num2):
    return num1 + num2
print(add(num2 = 30, num1 = 50))

Note that the order of the positional arguments is ignored: 'num2' gets '30'; and, 'num1' gets '50'.

Having both positional arguments and kwargs is allowed, but kwargs are declared after (i.e. to the right of) positional arguments in the function declaration.

2.3. Flexibility using Tuples and Dictionaries

More positional arguments can be allowed using '*tuple_name', as in the following example:

def add(*nums):
    r = 0
    for num in nums:
        r += num
    return r
print(add(1,2,3,4,5,6,7)) # <-- Prints 28

The '*' used this way is known as the iterable (un)packing operator. If nothing is allocated, the tuple is empty.

The '*' can be used with lists or tuples to generate parameters:

def add(*nums):
    r = 0
    for num in nums:
        r += num
    return r
a = [1,2,3,4]
print(add(*a)) # <-- Prints 10
print(add(1,*a, 2)) # <-- Prints 13

The same can be done with dictionaries using '**dict_name' (where '**' is the dictionary (un)packing operator) - which will make a dictionary from unallocated kwargs. The following code:

def f1(a, **details):

f1(1, b=2, c=3)


{'b': 2, 'c': 3}

The '**' dictionary operator can be used to generate kwargs. The following code:

def f1(a, b, c):

d = {'b':2, 'c':3}



Similar to with standard arguments, '*tuple_name' arguments must come before '**dict_name arguments' (if both are used). And '*tuple_name' arguments must come after positional arguments. And '**dict_name' arguments must come after other kwargs. It is, therefore usual to place them after their associated variables or together at the end. The following code:

def f1(a, b=2, *args, **kwargs):
    print(a, b)

l = [10, 20, 30]
d = {'c': 100, 'd': 200}

f1(1, 3, *l, **d)


1 3
(10, 20, 30)
{'c': 100, 'd': 200}

Note that the kwargs packed into the dictionary cannot have name collisions with the other arguments. So, the following:

def f1(a, b=2, *args, **kwargs):
    print(a, b)

l = [10, 20, 30]
d = {'c': 100, 'd': 200, 'b':300}

f1(1, 3, *l, **d)

Results in:

TypeError: f1() got multiple values for argument 'b'

For details on unpacking operators see: PEP-0448

Another useful summary reference is the Python documentation: Outline of how to get output from a function documentation

3. Scope

The scope of a variable is from where in the code it can be accessed. Scope was introduced in Variables Section 3 when functions were first considered, and where there is an explanation of changing a variable scope using the 'global' keyword. To recap, consider the following code:

a = 10
def f1():
    print(a) # Prints 10;
print(a) # Prints 10.
print(a) # Prints 10.

The variable 'a' is declared and initialised prior to any call to f1() and the variable can be accessed from within the function f1(). However, assigning a local variable within a function that has the same name as a variable already accessible from the function creates a new variable. So, to force a local assignment to a global variable, use the global keyword as follows:

a = 10
def f1():
    global a
    a = 20
    print(a) # Prints 20.
print(a) # Prints 10.
print(a) # Prints 20 as the function changes the global a.

With nested functions there are situations where non local and non global variables are wanted in the inner function such that the outer function and inner function share the same variable and this does not change any variable with the same name in the broader scope from where the function is called. To do this the 'nonlocal' keyword can be used, as in the following example:

a = 1
def f1():
    a = 2
    def f2():
        nonlocal a
        a = 3
        print(a) # Prints 3.
    print (a) # Prints 3.
print(a) # Prints 1.

4. Function Complexity

As shown above, functions can be nested. In the example above, 'f2' is inside 'f1', so: f2 is an 'inner function'; and, f2 is an 'outer function'. Nesting functions thus hides inner functions - they cannot be called directly from outside the outer function. This is a way to make things appear simple.

Inner functions can be used to help unpack arguments and deal with different types of argument passed to the outer function in a function call.

As mentioned, Python allows for functions to be passed into functions as arguments. Functions can also be returned from functions. An inner function can be returned in the output from an outer function.

Functions are key to a lot of programming. Supporting nested functions, being able to pass functions into other functions as parameters, and returning functions from functions are useful features of Python.

This section considers a number of other features of functions. The detail might be better understood after gaining practise in defining and using functions that simply have variables as parameter arguments and return variables, perhaps packed in a tuple.

4.1. Decorators

Decorators are functions that aare applied to the outputs of other functions using the '@' symbol as part of the function definition (see function definitions). There can be multiple decorators which would work in turn passing the output back until all the decorators have been applied. A decorator function can be used for reporting the time it takes to run a function:

import random
import time

def timer(func):
    Get the run time of the decorated function.

    func : The function to be timed.

        The run time then func output.
    def inner_timer(*args, **kwargs):
        start = time.perf_counter()
        value = func(*args, **kwargs)
        run_time = time.perf_counter() - start
        return run_time, value
    return inner_timer

def create_agents(n_agents):
    A function to create a list of agents. The decorator will print the time
    it takes to run this function.

    n_agents : Integer
        The number of agents to create.

    agents : List
        A list of the created agents.

    agents = []
    for i in range(n_agents):
        agents.append([random.randint(0, 99), random.randint(0, 99)])
    return agents

# Create agents
n_agents = 1000000
run_time, agents = create_agents(n_agents)
print(run_time, "seconds to create", n_agents, "agents.")

4.2. Lambdas

Lambda expressions are used to create anonymous functions. They can have any number of arguments, but the expression is made up of a single non-compound statement. Consider the following example:

# A lambda to return the result of dividing a by b.
x = lambda a, b : a / b

print(x(1, 2)) # <-- Prints 0.5.

Note that: the lambda function is defined with the 'lambda' keyword, the parameters are separated with commas, and a colon is used to separate the parameters from the expression - the result of which is passed back.

4.3. Callbacks

A Python callback is a subroutine function which is passed as an argument to be executed at some point in the future. Consider the following example where the callbacks are to the 'add' and 'multiply' functions from the caller function (that itself is called in the lines that print out the results returned from the function calls):

def add(x):
    Calculate and return all the elements of x added together.

    x : Tuple
        The things to add.

    r : Things added.
        All the things in x added together.

    r = 0
    for y in x:
        r = r + y
    return r

def multiply(x):
    Calculate and return all the elements of x multplied together.

    x : Tuple
        The things to multiply.

    r : Things multiplied.
        All the things in x multiplied together.

    r = 0
    for y in x:
        r = r + y
    return r

def caller(func, args):
    A function that calls the function func passing in the
    arguments args.

    func : Function
        The (name of the) function to be called.
    args : Tuple
        The arguments to be passed to func
    Whatever is returned from func(args)
    return func(args)

print(caller(add, (1, 2, 3))) # Prints 6
print(caller(multiply, (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6))) # Prints 21

The following is another example which uses a callback to sort items in a list:

class Mark:
    def __init__(self, name, grade): = name
        self.grade = grade

    def __str__(self):
        return "name=" + + " grade=" + str(self.grade)

def getGrade(mark):
    return mark.grade

marks = [Mark("name1", 50), Mark("name2", 70), Mark("name3", 60)]
print("Unordered marks:")
for mark in marks:

# Sort marks using a callback

print("Ordered marks:")
for mark in marks:

Often a callback is used in event based processing. It allows other tasks to be done whilst waiting for an event to happen.

4.4. Partial

Functools partial allows for arguments of a function to be set partially. For example:

from functools import partial

def f(x, y, z):
    return x + y + z

# A partial function that calls f with x = 1 and y = 2.
pf = partial(f, 1, 2)

print(pf(3)) # Prints 6

5. Style and Documenting Functions

5.1. Style

Good Python style is set out in PEP-0008 which is worth finding time to read.

The main style elements are:

5.2. Documenting Functions

Docstrings are automatically extracted to describe code. They are added in triple-double quote enclosed comments after, class or function declarations. For functions these should ideally have a short description of what the function does which is typically written like a command to the function more than as a description of what the function does. It should also list what the parameters are and what if anything is returned from the function. For example:

def add (num1, num2):
    Add two numbers.

    Keyword arguments:
    num1 -- an integer or double number (no default)
    num2 -- an integer or double number (no default)

    The sum of the numbers.
    return num1 + num2

For details on docstrings see PEP-0257

The help system will display docstrings. So, where "x" is a function or module the following will display the docstring:


The docstring can also be printed using:


6. Next

Refactoring the Agent Based Model code to use functions...