
1. Introduction

Python has syntax for 'while loops' and 'for loops'. While loops are typically used to repeat something until a condition is reached. For loops are typically used to repeat something a set number of times (or for each thing in a sequence). Let's explore while loops first...

2. While

The following provides an example of a while statement:

x = 1
while (x < 10):
    x += 1

If a while loops condition never evaluates as 'False' then the loop will continue indefinitely. This is sometimes a reason why a program fails to terminate when you were expecting it to.

A break statement breaks out of a loop which is commonly done when some other condition is reached. For example, consider the following code:

# Print the largest number less than 1 million that is divisible by 17
x = 1000000
while (x != 0):
    if (x % 17 == 0):
    x -= 1

The output of which is:


The continue statement gets the program to return to the start of a loop when a condition is reached:

# Print odd numbers from 1 to 10
x = 0
while x < 10:
    x += 1
    if (x % 2) == 0:
    print(x, end =" ")

The output of which is:

1 3 5 7 9

An 'else' clause can be used with a while loop and this code within it is executed when the while condition evaluates as 'False'.

Note that in the above code snippet a 'keyword argument (kwarg)' called 'end' is used in the print command to substitute the normal end of print statement - a newline - with a space.

3. For

For loops in Python (for loop) are used with sequences that are 'iterable'. Iterable means can be gone through one at a time. In the following example, the first time around the loop, the variable 'x' is assigned the value '0', the second time around the loop x is assigned the value '1' and so on:

for x in (0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9):

For sequences of numbers, it is much more common to use a range , for example, the following does the same as the previous example:

for x in range(10):

It is also common to use a slice, for example:

names = ("Dale", "Albert", "Gordon", "Tamara", "Philip", "Chester", "Windom")
for name in names[1:5:2]:
    print(name) # <-- Prints "Albert", "Tamara"

Sometimes it is helpful to know the index in the sequence when iterating, so alternatively we can do the following:

names = ("Dale", "Albert", "Gordon", "Tamara", "Philip", "Chester", "Windom")
for i in range(len(names)):
    print(i, names[i])

Note, that 'i' cannot be changes within the loop to skip objects. As assignment for 'i' would creates a new variable. So the following code:

names = ("Dale", "Albert", "Gordon", "Tamara", "Philip", "Chester", "Windom")
for i in range(len(names)):
    print(i, names[i])
    i += 2


0 Dale
1 Albert
2 Gordon
3 Tamara
4 Philip
5 Chester
6 Windom

Slices copy containers, while ranges are iterators that actually generate the values one at a time. So, it is more efficient to do the following:

names = ("Dale", "Albert", "Gordon", "Tamara", "Philip", "Chester", "Windom")
for i in range(2,len(names),2):

Instead of:

for name in names[2::2]:

A disadvantage of not having an index counter and using a sequence is that it makes it harder to remove items from the sequence which is often useful. For example, the following code does not empty the list names because as we remove the first thing in the list, everything else moves to a new position and the iterator skips over a value each time:

names = ["Dale","Albert","Gordon","Tamara","Philip", "Chester","Windom"]
for name in names:

A solution to this is to create a slice containing everything and then remove from the original list:

names = ["Dale","Albert","Gordon","Tamara","Philip", "Chester","Windom"]
for name in names[:]:

It would though probably be better to simply reinitialise 'names' as an empty list.

As with a while loop, an 'else' clause can be added to for loop and is executed once the loop completes, or not at all if there is a break statement that terminates the loop before the last iteration completes.

Also, a continue statement can be used to skip to the start of the next loop iteration in the same way as in a while loop.

4. Nesting loops

In spatial analysis it is common to want to go through two dimensional (2D) raster data or tables of values. One way to do this is to nest for loops. Consider the following code which goes through all the rows in 'data' and for each 'row', goes through the values (one for each 'column'):

data = [
for row in data:
    for value in row:
        print(value, end=" ")

The output of this program is:

0 1 2
3 4 5

It is often necessary to know and use the row and column indexes. Another way to do this is as follows:

data = [
for row in range(len(data)):
    for col in range(len(data[row])):
        print(data[row][col], end=" ")

Recall that the len function, when passed a sequence as a parameter, returns the length of the sequence, and the range function turns an Integer argument into a sequence starting from '0' and ending with one less than that argument stepping by 1.

When processing raster data like this, care is needed not to get rows and columns mixed up. This is easier to do if the data have the same number of rows and columns!

5. Moving Window Algorithms

These are commonly used in image processing and for surface analysis. One of the difficulties in applying these concerns what to do at the boundaries. The main options are: to deal with the special edge and corner cases; to process only those parts for which there are data for all parts of the 'window'. Using the latter of these solutions we could calculate the maximum value in a 3x3 neighbourhood as follows:

data = [
result = []
for row in range(1, len(data) - 1):
    row_result = []
    for col in range(1, len(data[row]) - 1):
        value = data[row][col]
        for i in range(-1, 2):
            for j in range(-1, 2):
                value = max(value, data[row + i][col + j])
        print(value, end=" ")

The output of which is:

14 15 16 17
20 21 22 23
26 27 28 29
32 33 34 35

6. Next

Use containers, branches and loops to simplify and extend the Agent Based Model code.